
宏旭leyu����.txt-电力沟盖板模具-沟盖板模板 宏旭-电力沟盖板模具-沟盖板模板


The shape and specification of the holes involved in the plastic mold of the channel cover plate are constantly changing. Basically, the shapes and specifications of the holes are not the same as those used everywhere. Round holes and long holes are common, and the shapes of the holes are also different. The specifications of the holes are basically 3-6 cm and the number of holes is from 1 to 10. The design of the plastic mold detail drawing of the channel cover plate is very simple. The shape is basically a cuboid. There is a design with a gap and a design with a hole. Therefore, in addition to the specifications, the plastic mold or steel mold for the cover plate of the canal used in the engineering construction needs to be customized according to the quantity.

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