
家用电器塑胶齿轮箱齿轮定制 家用电器塑胶齿轮箱齿轮定制


  首要产物有:机电周详齿轮、单.双层直齿斜齿、皇冠齿、伞齿、滚轮、斜齿、蜗轮蜗杆、**聚散齿、各类非标异型齿,塑胶、金属齿轮箱和机械人牙箱等. 产物普遍利用在:汽车、电动门锁指纹锁、灯饰、伺服器、DVD播放器、仪表、拍照机、按时器、碎纸机、复印机、光学镜头、机械人、摄像头、电子仪表仪器、烟感节制、主动窗帘、考勤机、售货机、点钞机、航模、玩具、卫浴、医疗保健等传动装备上.包管产物的质量        有用的与客户解决噪声年夜,扭力小,电流年夜,传动效力低,齿轮概况磨损严重,齿轮传动掉步等问题的,


Hettong Company Profile

Shenzhen Hettong Precise Molding Injection Company is professional in designing manufacturing and distributing precise gear mold and precise structure molds. We are lucky to have so many experienced, qualified and professioleyu����.txtnal specialists here, under whose support we win the trust from our customers. We are famous in making high precision and high quality products within short period.

We are aiming to be the brightest company to make service to both clients and our own staff. To survive in the present situation of molding field, we insist to make high quality products with reasonable cost to our customers, relying on our professional ability. In our company, we have engineering department, molding department, QA department and administrative department, under the control of the general manager.


上一篇:leyu体育-河北水泥花瓶柱机械 下一篇:leyu体育-塑料箱子模具生产塑料保温箱模具新报价【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】