leyu体育-箱体式生态挡土墙模具 箱式生态挡土墙模具 宏旭制作说明【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

箱体式生态挡土墙模具 箱式生态挡土墙模具 宏旭建造申明 箱体式生态挡土墙模具 箱式生态挡土墙模具 宏旭制作说明

箱体式生态挡土墙模具   箱式生态挡土墙模具   leyu����.txt宏旭建造申明

Mould for self embedded retaining wall of river channel Self embedded retaining wall mold in the use of many need to pay attention to the following I will specifically introduce the specific precautions of this mold, generally this mold should be cleaned and painted before use, mainly because there will be a lot of dust in the process of transportation, which will affect the river self embedded retaining wall mold For the products of self embedded retaining wall mold, it is generally necessary to clean it before use. After cleaning, the mold can not be exposed to the sun. When exposed to the sun, the mold may be damaged. We need to wipe it manually, and then we can clean the mold of river self embedded retaining wall The internal part of self embedded retaining wall mould is applied with oil mainly for the convenience of demoulding. When painting, it must be uniform, especially in the position of screws and corners, which is often ignored. Therefore, we must pay attention to the mixing of concrete. The mixing of concrete affects the quality of mold products, so we must select the appropriate materials And then use the concrete mixer for full mixing, so as to ensure the internal tightness. In order to ensure a more integrated whole, vibration should be carried out during grouting, and the mold should be cleaned after use.

上一篇:leyu体育-江西 工字型护坡模具 六角空心护坡模具 厂家【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:leyu体育-浙江水泥井管模具