leyu体育-水泥防撞墙模板 水泥防撞墙钢模具 宏旭制作说明【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

水泥防撞墙模板 水泥防撞墙钢模具 宏旭建造申明 水泥防撞墙模板 水泥防撞墙钢模具 宏旭制作说明

水泥防撞墙模板   水泥防撞墙钢模具  宏旭建造申明

Formwork of cement anti-collision wall The steel mold of cement anti-collision wall is basically a two-piece structure. When using, the formwork needs to be transported to the construction site for cast-in-place processing, because the setting distance of the anti-collision wall is related to the length of the road. If the production is carried out in advance, the produced anti-collision wall can not meet the construction requirements, so the mold must be transported to the periphery of the highway during production When splicing is needed, a straight plate and a curved plate are placed separately. The distance between the two templates is the thickness of the highway anti-collision wall wall. If the wall is too thin, the anti-collision effect cannot be achieved. leyu����.txtGenerally, the thickness of the anti-collision wall is more than 20 cm. The concrete thickness of the concrete anti-collision wall needs to be adjusted The pull rod at the top of the steel mold of the cement anti-collision wall must be adjusted every time the thickness of the wall is adjusted. After that, steel plates or specific parts are used to block the two sides of the formwork. The next step is to pour the slurry. A large amount of concrete is quickly filled between the formwork through the pipeline. After the vibration, the slurry level at some positions will drop. Naturally, it is necessary to fill some mud. After the bubbles are removed, the air can be dried, and the mud can be completely dried After solidification, it is necessary to dismantle the steel formwork.

上一篇:leyu体育-上海 工字型护坡模具 六角护坡砖塑料模具 厂家【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:leyu体育-吉林水泥化粪池模具价格【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】