leyu体育-混凝土扭王字块模具 预制扭王字块模具 宏旭制作说明【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

混凝土扭王字块模具 预制扭王字块模具 宏旭建造申明 混凝土扭王字块模具 预制扭王字块模具 宏旭制作说明

混凝土扭王字块模具   预制扭王字块模具    宏旭建造申明

For coastal and offshore areas, prefabricated Accropode steel mold can be used for coastal protection by using raw materials such as sand, stone and fresh water from the mainland. However, for the offshore and deep-sea island construction, there are many problems, such as long-distance transportation of raw materials, lack of fresh water and river sand. The offshore distance of islands in the South China Sea is more than 1500 km, and that in the East Sea is about 530 km. If fresh water and river sand are transported from land, or desalination, non chlorination treatment of sea sand and coarse aggregate at construction sites will cost a lot of money. The existing prefabricated Accropode mold is usually made by mechanical cooperation with labor. The current mold for manufacturing Accropode is time-consuming and laborious in the process of installation and disassembly, which is not conducive to reducing the labor cost. Prefabricated Accropode die the steel die of the Accropode consists of a shell with an internal cavity and an auxiliary mechanism on the shell; the shell is composed of a base shell, a main shell on the base and a top seat shell on the main shell; the cavity formed by the shell forms a member part from bottom to top The cavity formed by the base shell and the upper part of the main shell constitutes the third rod part, the cavity formed in the middle of the main shell constitutes the rod part; the base shell and the main shell are composed of two symmetleyu����.txtrical parts; the auxiliary mechanism includes the supporting mechanism and the disassembly mechanism. If the size of the Accropode is used for mold production, the prefabrication of the Accropode mold and the steel mold of the Accropode should be thoroughly cleaned before being stored, so that the next time it is taken out for use, it will not affect the use.

上一篇:leyu体育-河南组合式化粪池模具价格【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:leyu体育-北京 工字型护坡模具 路基护坡砖模具 厂家【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】